Soil preparation

Our first advice from Dimitr is soil preparation.

It must be admitted that this topic is not the most interesting, but necessary and necessary.

Good soil is the key to success! First of all, it is necessary to examine the existing soil. The basis of the soil is minerals containing almost the entire periodic table. The soil is heterogeneous, several layers can be found in it. The uppermost one is the fertile layer, which nourishes plants with all trace elements. In addition to trace elements, the soil contains organic matter, water and air. The soil must be prepared so that it is light, nutritious and permeable. Soils are heavy and light. The lungs include all types of sandy soils, they pass water well. But, on the other hand, useful substances are easily washed out of these types of soils; therefore, they are poor in mineral supply. In our climatic zone of Safed clay and stony soils prevail. This soil passes moisture, which leads to stagnation of water and lack of oxygen, the roots suffocate and the plants die.

Dimitr advises to use loamy soil on his site. It is rich in molybdenum and manganese, so it has a reddish tint. Usually in its manufacture using different proportions of sand, clay and compost. And as a fertilizer, it is better to use compost and humus. Compost and humus are usually delivered to the site in the autumn-winter period before the rainy season. The fact is that, as Dimitr says, organic fertilizers warm the soil by 4-5 degrees, and in order to avoid burns to the root system, he recommends applying fertilizers before starting spring mass work during the dormant period. If you have made compost and humus, be sure to dig and level the area. A fertile layer of earth should be poured so that its height is about 20-30 centimeters. In the manufacture of the landing mixture, Dimitr conducts heat treatment. And if you decide to cultivate the soil with one of the systemic pesticides, for example, roundap, then before that you need to water the soil well, and thus provoke a massive growth of weeds. Wait for the first shoots to appear with the first three leaves. It is better to handle the composition in the morning or evening hours. 

Soil preparation

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