Pruning trees

Pruning trees

Types of pruning

Forming pruning

Usually hedges or free-standing plants are subjected to pruning pruning to give them a decorative look. Formative pruning is most often used if your garden is in a classical style, but not necessary, the main thing is that the plants trimmed in this way fit organically into the design of your garden. Since in Israel the land plots are mainly small in size, and usually they are adjacent to other plots, hedges are a very good option. Formative pruning of the hedge helps to make yours more private, as well as visually expand the scale of the garden by masking its borders.


Thinning is usually done in a group planting, this type of pruning helps your plants, improving their growing conditions. First of all, after thinning, the plants receive more sunlight. In addition, in those places where plants grow too densely, they interfere with each other, and a favorable environment is created for pests and diseases. So, we recommend, for example, thinning rose bushes by trimming branches evenly, paying attention to the middle of the bush.

Anti-aging pruning

Anti-aging pruning is done to extend the life of the old plant, which is important, considering that old plants give your garden a special touch. This type of pruning is done in winter. This type of pruning is especially relevant for fruit plants and trees.

Sanitary pruning.

Sanitary pruning helps to get rid of dead wood and damaged shoots. This type of pruning is done by secateurs or clippers, very large dry branches will be removed with a hand saw. All sections and cuts must be treated with garden putty. January go February is the best time for this kind of pruning. First of all, it is necessary to carefully examine the tree, if it is a deciduous plant, then it is necessary to wait for the movement of juices, which occurs at the end of February. Then the first leaves appear, which will help determine which branches are viable and which need to be removed. If the plant is evergreen, then it is not necessary to wait for the end of February, because carefully examining the tree, you will notice dry and damaged branches. It is also necessary to remove branches damaged by diseases.

Pruning trees

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