Plot plan

Plot plan

How to make it yourself? Why do you need a site plan? We advise you to first make a plan of your site. It is better to make it on a scale of 1: 100, for one centimeter on paper there is 1 meter on the ground. To do this, you need to take graph paper or draw it yourself, measure how many centimeters your paper.

Plot plan

First of all, outline the exact boundaries of your site, the location of the house and how much it occupies, the features of the relief. This can be a slope, a hill, a ramp, a pit, a ravine. Be sure to mark the south and north sides, and how your site is illuminated throughout the day. It is necessary to note the existing buildings and planting: trees, shrubs, paths, pergolas. Next, you can proceed to the most interesting – dendroplan, namely, to the plan for placing plants. To do this, it is convenient to use tracing paper, which is superimposed on the plan of your site and plants are applied on tracing paper. Here variations are possible, several cripples are several options for planting plants, and the opportunity to see clearly which gardening option you like best. This will help you know in advance which plants are most suitable for you and do not spend more money on plants that may simply not fit on your site.

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