Computer watering of the garden

The most important role in Israel is traditionally assigned to water, timely and sufficient soil moisture. Especially a lot of moisture is required in the hot summer season for plants during flowering and fruit formation. Lack of rain and infrequent watering lead to a minimization of the yield, and even to the death of plants. Computer watering in the garden will help to correct the situation.

What are the advantages of automatic watering of plants and trees?

Saving labor and time. Watering the garden will be provided by an automated system.

Optimum soil moisture.

Insufficient moisture leads to wilting of plants, fruits acquire a bitter taste, and there is a risk of fungal diseases of crops. Excess liquid causes rotting of the root system, the structure of vegetables becomes watery. Automatic watering of the garden creates comfortable conditions for each crop, as it allows you to regulate the degree of soil moisture in any part of the garden plot.

Economical consumption of water resources.

Strict dosage makes it possible to use water sparingly. In comparison with manual irrigation with a hose – about 50% of water is saved.

Change the setting mode.

Automatic irrigation parameters are regulated, including remotely.

Timeliness of hydration.

Special sensors react to changes in temperature and humidity of the environment.
When it rains, automatic irrigation is turned off.

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